Story of a Passionate...
It all started in the garden in 2022

The painter, Mireille Desroches, was born on February 26, 1965 in Montreal, a metropolis located in the province of Quebec in Canada.
She touched her first brush at the age of nine and never let go. At 11, she exhibited at L'Auditorium de Verdun Québec, and continued her somewhat chaotic path... She returned to school at 25 and obtained her nursing diploma.
At the dawn of her 30th birthday, she decided to leave her native country and flew to Switzerland. She first worked at the CHUV, then at the Rolle hospital in pulmonology.
She meets love... A Swiss. Gets married and two beautiful daughters are born from this union.
At the same time, she exhibited her works and got noticed. A colleague from the hospital, Anne-Marie, will say a sentence to him that will change the course of his destiny.
“Mireille, if you give lessons, I will enroll my two boys.”
Six months after the birth of her last child, Nadine, who would also become an artist, Mireille decided to take two months of unpaid leave to give lessons to children in her region during the summer holidays of 2002. She reiterated the experience the following year, thus doubling the number of students.
During the summer of 2003, someone offered him a place located a few streets...
This is how Mireille finally left her white coat and opened her art school, "Le P'tit Peintre" in April 2004, where she now gives lessons to children and adults. Then, in 2005, he added his art supplies store...

But the story doesn't end there! Mireille thinks big, she's a dreamer.
In 2006, he was offered larger premises near Gland station. She moved her school, her shop there and added the art gallery, “Le rond-point des Artistes”.

Three years later... 2009. A person told him about an even bigger location... It was love at first sight.
She rearranged everything, from floor to ceiling and built a wooden passageway for her art gallery. The logo gets a makeover and the company becomes the idyllic place for all artists.
The store is full of products from all recognized brands. Classes are full with 90 regular students. Mireille organizes openings for her students, rents the gallery to artists wanting to make themselves known, and in 2015 organizes the “Carré en Œuvre” event bringing together more than 72 artists with the aim of raising funds for the Théodora Foundation.
The business thrives again and again...

2016... The company becomes too big for Mireille who decides to sell everything. She found a buyer and gave the keys to the new owner in August 2016.
However, she did not stop because from that moment on, with a light heart, Mireille continued to give her lessons to her 90 students at P'tit Peintre, the company she created with passion. But this time, as an independent teacher. Finished the administration...
Until Wednesday, November 23, 2016, when the new owner announced to him that she no longer wanted his teaching services. Mireille must leave Le P'tit Peintre. A great page is thus sadly turned.
But Mireille is a fighter. In one weekend, after 4 visits to the premises, she found the crush that would launch her new book. In a few weeks, she created a family-sized art school in Bursins, a pretty little village surrounded by vineyards from where she can admire from the windows, the Alps and Mont Blanc, an exceptional panorama which joins her soul. artist.
On January 9, 2017, the school opened its doors to the first arriving students... The joy was palpable! What a joy to teach!
Three months later, she learned that Le P'tit Peintre was closing its doors! It’s a heartbreak for the artist who created this entity with so much passion.
At the beginning of 2018 the BOZART boutique opened its doors and its online store went online.
During the summer of 2024, Mireille takes on the challenge of taking intensive courses in order to obtain the three teaching certificates for the BOB ROSS method. She succeeded. She is now a CRI® “Certified Bob Ross Instructor” and teaches The Joy of Painting landscape techniques.

1976 - 1979 – 1981 – 1992 : Verdun Auditorium in Verdun Quebec Canada. Collective.
1980 : MGR-Richard Polyvalent Gallery, Verdun. Quebec Canada. Personal.
1987 : L’Assomption Gallery, Quebec Canada. Collective.
2001 : Nyon Hospital Gallery, Nyon. Switzerland. Personal.
2002 : Aubonne Hospital Gallery, Aubonne. Switzerland. Personal.
2002 - 2003 : Nyon Hospital Gallery “Mireille exhibits with her students”. Nyon Switzerland. Collective.
2003 - 2004 : Gallery of the Clinique La Lignière. Switzerland. Personal.
2007 - 2009 - 2014 : Dutruy Gallery, Luins. Switzerland. Personal.
2009 : Aula Gallery of Marens College in Nyon. Switzerland. Personal.
2011 : Gallery “Le Rond-point des Artistes” Switzerland. Collective.
2013 : Gallery of the Théâtre de Grand Champ “Me and the Other”. Switzerland. Personal.
2015 : CS Ranch, Corina Schumacher, during the Reining competition. Switzerland. Personal.
2016 : Gallery of the Collège de Grand Champ, Gland Switzerland “Painter and Sculptors”. Collective
2016 : Galerie L'Art'Mania, Villereuse 1, Geneva. Switzerland. Collective
2016 : Hotel Calvy, 5 rue du Midi, 1205 Geneva. Switzerland. Personal
2017 : Buchillon at Squar, Buchillon. Switzerland. Collective
2017 : Gallery of the Collège de Grand Champ, Gland, Switzerland. “Painter and Sculptors”. Collective
2017 : Galery L'Art'Mania, Villereuse 1, Geneva Switzerland. Collective
2023 : Gallery of the Collège de Grand Champ, Gland “Painter and Sculptors”. Collective
2024 : Buchillon at Squar, Buchillon. Switzerland. Collective
Mireille Desroches
Professional painter and teacher since 2002
CRI®, Bob Ross Certified Instructor since 2024
© Mireille Desroches 2024. All rights reserved.
Route de L'Etraz 10 - 1183 Bursins
079 584 51 00