When Corinna brought me to her husband Michael's gym to show me the board, I could see straight away what was wrong: the canvas had not been stretched and the mass of paint was peeling. This degradation was due to a lack of adhesion of the support. This painting was a work made on a photo canvas. The artist had not used a resin-based paste, but rather a floury paste, which explained the detachment. It was not its first repair. I realized this when I wanted to remove the artist's name in order to put it back in place once the painting was completed: the name had been put back on several times.

I started by removing any weakened mass as well as the name of the author. Then, I tightened the canvas by attaching side slats (not shown in the photo). Once taut, I applied a first coat of diluted paint to make the support better adhere to the mass of resin paste that followed. I started painting while respecting the images of the original and to finish, I pasted the name of the artist.

Corinna and Michael were delighted with the result and according to a friend, the painting still holds up.

Repair of the board

to Michael Schumacher